INCH Architects creates bold, meaningful and sensory spaces that engender tradition and values with the clients' lifestyle in mind. We embrace the complexity of form and space, apply sophisticated solutions and create interior association. Our projects are stunning in their lightness and monumentality, their reflection of needs, applying innovative and compositional solutions.
That is why we carry out the whole complex of design works:

Structure of the work

  • Development of a design project
    Term from 3 months
    Cost are negotiated individually

  • Cost estimating
    Term from 1.5 months
    Cost from 15$/m²

  • Designer supervision
    Term from 6 months
    Cost are negotiated individually

  • Scope of supply
    Term from 6 months (in parallel with designer's supervision)
    Cost from 10-15% of the estimate
Get in touch

Development of a design project

  • First meeting in the bureau
  • Contract signing
  • Drawing up a design task
  • Visit to the object measurements
  • Development of conceptual solution
  • Development of 3d-visualization of all rooms
  • Development of drawing documentation

Cost estimating

One of the most important stages of the project, we believe, is the preparation and subsequent completion of the estimate. We describe all processes, materials and items in detail and agree them with you in advance. We rely on your financial possibilities, the drawn up calendar plan of realization, delivery schedules of furniture and equipment. We keep in touch with manufacturers and follow delivery dates in vain.


Composition of sections of the final cost estimate:

  • Finishing materials: plaster, painting, natural stone, flooring, etc.
  • Lighting fixtures (if not specified in the lighting designers' estimate)
  • Sockets and switches, heating devices
  • Doors, partitions, fittings
  • Kitchen set, plumbing equipment
  • Appliances
  • Factory furniture
  • Joinery
  • Other custom-made products: stone products, mirrors, metal, etc.
  • Textiles: carpets, bed linen, curtains, etc.
  • Art objects and decor (if any in the project)

Designer supervision

We help in the selection and coordinate the choice of contractor of the main works on engineering projects. The project manager, studio founder, architect, packager visit the site and control the stages of work. We keep in touch with the foreman and contractors throughout the construction site during working hours.
How does the process work?

  • We advise the team and all contractors on the project
  • We visit the object once a week
  • We check the compliance of the work performed according to the design project
  • If necessary, we make adjustments and clarifications to the drawing documentation
  • We organize a general chat with information on the project with customers, contractors and the team
  • We regularly provide photo reports for you

Scope of supply

We try and love to work with the full scope of a project. That is why we are painstakingly and with interest immersed in the process of completion. The chain of responsible actions and decisions, planning of terms of approval, execution, delivery in parallel with construction works on the site - components for the filling of the future interior, which are recruited by the packager together with the architect.
The scope of supply includes:

  • We develop drawings of customized furniture according to the project
  • We collect all technical data on purchases for contractors
  • We visit showrooms to select samples of finishes, as well as organize the process for individual samples
  • Provide alternative item options if necessary
  • Supervise documentation on purchases, duplicate it in the general chat room of the project
  • Making a monthly report on purchases for you

Composition of the concept album

  • planning solution
  • design concept
  • color map
  • axonometric diagrams of the project
  • "sketch" visualization of one of the main zones, e.g. living room

Composition of the design project album

  • measurement plans
  • dismantling plans
  • installation plans
  • butt and junction solutions
  • plans after redevelopment
  • planning solution with arrangement of furniture and equipment with explication
  • plumbing system plans with specifications
  • flooring plans with material specifications
  • ceiling plans taking into account the air conditioning system and lighting fixtures
  • plans for linking and placement of sockets and switches diagrams for lighting equipment with specifications
  • plans for placement of electrical outlets and sockets with specifications
  • plans with placement and binding of doors
  • layouts of the walls of all rooms with specifications for materials
  • 3D visualizations of all rooms